4moms Recalls More than 2 Million MamaRoo and RockaRoo Infant Swings and Rockers Due to Non-Occupant Entanglement and Strangulation Hazards
Name of Product: 4moms MamaRoo Baby Swing, versions 1.0 through 4.0 and RockaRoo Baby Rockers
Hazard: When the swing or rocker is not in use, their restraint straps can dangle below the seat and crawling infants can become entangled in the straps, posing a strangulation hazard.
Remedy: Repair
Consumers with infants who can crawl should immediately stop using the recalled swings and rockers, place them in an area where crawling infants cannot access and register your product immediately to receive a free strap fastener that will prevent the straps from extending under the swing when not in use.

Affected Model Numbers:
MamaRoo Models: 4M-005, 1026, 1037
RockaRoo Model: 4M-012

Model 4M-005

Model 1026

Model 1037

Model 4M-012
How to Locate Model Numbers:
The Model Number is located on the bottom of the unit for both the MamaRoo and RockaRoo models.
MamaRoo Model Number Location

RockaRoo Model Number Location
Consumer Contact: 4moms recall hotlines, by email at safetyandrecall@4moms.com, or online at https://www.4momsrecall.expertinquiry.com or https://www.4moms.com and click on SAFETY & RECALL at the top of the page for more information. 4moms will be contacting all known purchasers directly